Relax and Restore Your Body, Mind and Spirit

Nestle-in and enjoy our full array of exciting community amenities on our 100-acre property! There’s fun and adventure the whole family can enjoy on our spacious property with plenty of places to explore.

Make Yourself at Home and Enjoy Our:

  • 3 Double deck lakeside patios
  • Basketball and tennis courts
  • Kayak and paddle boards for the lake
  • Lake swimming with a water slide
  • Catch and release fishing (bass)
  • Spacious grounds with walking areas and trails
  • Remote camping for fantastic Milky Way views!
  • Community bathroom and shower
  • Pets welcome
  • Pull-through RV sites

Lake Olancha RV Park & Campground

205 State Highway 190 Olancha, CA 93549

(442) 364-5290

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